Kennon Guerry Photography


Kennon’s image “Boy at Rest: Cat in Motion” was selected as a winning image in Life Framer’s Night Life category 2024. Her image “Driftwood” won second-place in the Minimalist Photography Awards 2023. Kennon’s image “Modern Love” was selected as a Winning image by Helen Healy, Head of Pictures at the Financial Times in Life Framer’s Open Call category 2023. Her freelensed image “Sparkler” was selected as a Life Framer Editor’s pick in the category of “Youth” in 2023. Her image “Inside Cats” won a second-place prize in the Winter 2022 Voice Collection “Photos of the Year” competition.

Kind Words

“Fragility, transition and acceptance are all gently at play within this scene, the young boy turns away from the lens and cradles his pet as if protecting them from external threat or influence – much like the nurture and protection of his mother over him. The photographer is honest with their intention to keep their children as they are but also celebrates their new stages of life with her tender imagery. A poetic photograph from motherhood, full of texture and tone.”


“A magical moment [captured by Kennon Guerry], the sparkler almost appears like the heart of this boy, radiating from the centre of this photograph. The photographer’s expert skills and knowledge of natural light are apparent as the shadows softly envelope the edges of the scene, leaving a muted glow across the smooth surface of bare skin. A poetic portrait.”


“A simple scene immortalized by the photographer’s camera. The lamp and its reflection in the surrounding windows appear to almost symbolize the ‘what was’ and ‘what is to come’ concept the photographer sees when observing their child. The jumping cat shatters the silence of this still moment, a reminder of reality and life going on. A stunning yet simple depiction of youth – from the known and unknown.”


“I am forever inspired by Kennon’s masterful use of light and unparalleled ability to capture emotion. Each frame possesses an authenticity and uniqueness that draws the viewer in and begs to be studied.”

— Robin F.

“I am immediately drawn to the tenderness of Kennon’s work. Like the embrace of a mother, each image invokes a sense of love, warmth, and sanctuary.”

— Rob B.

“Kennon’s photographs are beautiful! Her use of light and shadow imbues scenes from everyday life with poignancy and depth and personality.”

— Sarah N.

“As a former creative manager I've helped choose many photographers for branding and editorial projects. Kennon's work has a notable freshness and heart. Along with that, her artistry emerges from her photos in surprising ways.”

— John M.